Below is a list of the courses I have taken during my time as a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley.
Control and Systems Theory
EE 221A: Linear Systems Theory (Fall 2018)
EE 226A: Random Processes in Systems (Fall 2018)
EE C222: Nonlinear Systems (Spring 2019)
EE 223: Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control (Spring 2020)
EE 291E: Hybrid Systems and Intelligent Control (Spring 2020)
Optimization and Machine Learning
CS 289A: Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring 2019)
EE 227BT: Convex Optimization (Fall 2020)
EE C227C: Convex Optimization and Approximation (Spring 2021)
MATH 140: Metric Differential Geometry (Spring 2019)
MATH C218A: Probability Theory (Fall 2019)
MATH 141: Elementary Differential Topology (Fall 2020)
MATH 214: Differentiable Manifolds (Spring 2021)